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Moving to Mallorca

Moving to Mallorca: Who chooses this mediterranean paradise and why?

Many dream of calling a moving company and settling in Mallorca, but why do people want to leave and what reality meets them when they arrive? Are you considering moving to Mallorca and do you need help – contact Palmallorca. 

Read more about the best insurance options in Mallorca if you are planning to move to Mallorca.

Please take a moment to watch the brief presentation in the video below:

Moving to Mallorca is popular among foreigners

Figures from 2022 show that around 19% of the Balearics’ inhabitants are foreigners. For comparison, that figure was around 5% in 1998. The Balearic Islands thus hold the highest percentage of foreigners in Spain.

Due to the high proportion of foreigners, Mallorca boasts international schools, private hospitals, and a real estate market accustomed to serving German and English-speaking clients. For example, in the versatile city of Palma, there is a rich international environment.

However, people likely choose moving to Mallorca for more reasons than the existing international community.

The Mallorcan dream

Many have fallen in love with Mallorca while on holiday. For many, it starts as a summer infatuation with the countryside, the Mediterranean, the climate, the lifestyle, or perhaps the gastronomy and Mallorcan wine.

Moving to Mallorca. Move to Mallorca. - Mallorca Community
Moving to Mallorca offers expatriates a Mediterranean lifestyle with vibrant markets, diverse real estate options, outdoor activities, and a welcoming international community, all while enjoying the island’s renowned cuisine and wine.

Can moving to Mallorca change your lifestyle?

In the past, it was perhaps mostly retired people who had done well in the labor market that chose to live out their retirement under the southern sun. These retirees still come to the island, but there has been a long-standing trend of people choosing to move to Mallorca while they are younger and at different stages of life.

Now, immigrants see business opportunities on the island, and whole families choose to move to Mallorca with dreams of establishing their own business. Or perhaps it’s easy to take the job along because you can work via an internet connection. More and more young people are also choosing moving to Mallorca and securing jobs in the service industry or as telemarketers.

Many probably also choose moving to Mallorca hoping to have more free time in their work calendar for sports, hobbies, or social gatherings. Simply having a more relaxed approach to everyday life than there might be room for in the more efficient Northern Europe.

Many also come to Mallorca with creative desires. The exotic island has always attracted painters, writers, and other artists. It is likely cheaper to live here, and artists envision a life where there is both time and space to express their creativity, just as there is inspiration to be found in the landscape, the culture, and, of course, in the light. Many creative souls are attracted by the tranquility and the spectacular mountain towns such as Deia and Valldemossa, or the beautiful Sóller, from where you can easily reach the harbor town Port de Sóller.

In Mallorca the day is longer

What’s with that light? It is as if the day is longer in Mallorca. While you may be used to a day in Northern Europe ending after dinner with some practical chores at home and watching TV, the day in Mallorca stretches further.

If you visit a shop at 19:00, they say “good afternoon.” People meet at the tapas bars around 21:00, or they sit in their doorway on a chair and watch what’s going on, talking to passersby. Sometimes it can seem like Mallorca is a haven for those who enjoy life.

More about Moving to Mallorca after the Video section.

Video (will be updated)

Spaniards spend their money on going out

Many studies over the years have confirmed that while other countries spend a lot of money on housing, computers, and TVs, Spaniards spend their money outside the home on restaurant visits. 

A beautiful aspect is that the older part of the population still goes out and socializes. Here, not only the recently retired but also the older population do their hair and dress up to meet over a cup of chocolate and churros in the winter or a caña in the summer.

If they are too frail to go out on their own, a family member will gladly push their mother or grandmother out into the city so that, despite her advanced age, she can continue to have a social life outside the home. A behavior we may have forgotten a bit in Northern Europe.

People don’t just sit on the couch in front of the TV. Life is lived. Many who choose moving to Mallorca are likely drawn to this lifestyle. There is life in parks, squares, beaches, and streets in the evening, partly due to the climate.

Moving to Mallorca. Mallorca bike. Mallorca lifestyle. - Mallorca Community
Many choose moving to Mallorca to enjoy leisure activities such as cycling, golf, hiking, and various water sports.

The Mallorcan climate

If you tend to get winter depressed, Mallorca, with its palm trees, white beaches, and lush orange groves in the mountains, feels exotic.

Read more about the weather in Mallorca.

In short, summer is hot, and winter is mild and bright, making it easy to live an outdoor lifestyle. Many who choose moving to Mallorca already have a passion for sailing, water sports, hiking, cycling, or golf. Others move to the island with the dream of starting a new outdoor hobby.

Some choose to move to Mallorca because they see an exciting opportunity to cultivate the land. Here it is possible to make nature grow differently, from small utility gardens and almond groves to professional viticulture.

Read about the Danish wine adventure on Mallorca.

Mallorcan gastronomy

Mediterranean cuisine is exotic, whether you’re into tapas, Mallorcan cuisine, or Mallorcan specialties. In Mallorca, gastronomy has a strong affinity with farm animals. A lot of fish and shellfish, sweet fruits, and vegetables are consumed here during the high season, and the local wine fits well on a dinner table between friends.

People still go to the market for a lot of their shopping. They select their raw materials themselves, a lifestyle that may have been streamlined away up north but is making a comeback.

In addition, it is quite normal to meet during the siesta for a lunch out and chat about big and small matters before resuming work.

Read more about wine in Mallorca and the best markets in Mallorca.

The challenges for Mallorca’s Immigrants

However, everything is not just blue skies and low blood pressure. Some of Mallorca’s movers get homesick, missing the close contact with friends and family, and may fill their spare time with too much rosé instead of all the plans they set out with.

Others may find island life a bit claustrophobic. If you are used to packing the car and going on adventures through Europe, it becomes more challenging when living on an island. Although the island is versatile, some restless types might think they’ve seen it all after a few years.

Spain is known for its bureaucracy, and Mallorca is no exception. Be prepared for a lot of paperwork and long processes for obtaining permits, for example, for residential extensions. The tax system is different and can be difficult to navigate alone, so many find it necessary to have legal assistance.

Mallorcans speak both Spanish and “Mallorquín” (a Catalan dialect), and while they are welcoming, some immigrants may encounter a language gap if they do not master the language. Therefore, some of Mallorca’s immigrants end up primarily in international environments, feeling they never fully integrate with the locals.

The island is also known for attracting “seasonal workers.” Many come to Mallorca to try their luck for a year or two. Suddenly, good acquaintances may move on due to lack of work, leaving you missing the old friends and adjusting to more transient relationships.

All in all about moving to Mallorca

Still, many choose moving to Mallorca and live their whole lives on the island because they love the Spanish way of life, the climate, the landscape, and the gastronomy. Friendships form across nationalities, and it can be refreshing to have a different outlook on life. The rest of Europe is not far away, with many flights from Palma to the big cities in Europe.

For those who started with a summer crush, they find that winter can be special with warm, sunny days when the exotic island is free of tourists and ready to be enjoyed.

Interested in where Mallorca is heading? Read about Mallorca’s future.

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Travel guides to Mallorca’s captivating destinations, from the vibrant city life in stunning Palma to the sun-soaked shores of Alcudia and Puerto de Pollença. Don’t miss the charming mountain villages of Sóller and Deià, where nature and tradition blend harmoniously. Also take a look at the hot spot for wine lovers – Binissalem.

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